# I will not eat alone is a movement where we want to encourage everyone with more than enough food, to share it with our fellow hungry South Africans. This could be done in any creative and practical way most suitable to you and your area. We have cool ideas which some of us are finding very useful, but we would love to hear yours.
Some cool ideas:
- Keep a bag of apples in your car for random handouts.
- Ask for a doggy bag for your left overs every time time you visit a restaurant.
- Ask your domestic or garden worker to take an extra meal home to someone in his area
- Order an extra Mr. Delivery meal next time for your security guard at your complex’s gate
- Pack an extra lunch box with your kiddies school bag. Let the kids look out for a random person to give it to on the way to school
- Connect with a local school/institution in your area which desperately need food supplies, and drop of monthly/weekly groceries
Make it FUN,make it CREATIVE and make it a HABBIT!
Please send us your email address to join the # I WILL NOT EAT ALONE MOVEMENT. We will send you a bi-weekly newsletter with more cool ideas, but also with awesome stories. Share your # I WILL NOT EAT ALONE stories and meals on your Facebook feed, and tag us at #Privilege Foundation & #iwillnoteatalone. Challenge your friends and co-workers to join you.
#iwillnoteatalone is a project we have started in the lockdown period of 2020. Tons of food where distributed in several areas where hungry stomachs were fed. It was in this period that we realized how many South African children go to bed hungry each and every night.
Our vision is to create a national movement, where each individual becomes more aware of hunger, but to share a small part of one of his/her daily meal to a hungry fellow South African. We currently working on a few very cool ideas, so watch this space. Ferdi Engelbrecht is a board member of Privilege Foundation, and is leading this project.
Fill in our form to become a partner or to find out more about where help is needed