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Unleashing Truth and Empowering Survivors: Confronting Sexual Abuse and Violence


This month of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Abuse, we are striving to shed light on the distressing realities of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse and sexual violence abuse are insidious acts that strips individuals of their autonomy, dignity and physical and emotional well-being. Understanding Sexual Abuse encompasses a broad range non-consensual acts, such as rape, molestation, harassment, or exploitation inflicted upon victims by perpetrators. The perpetrator is always driven by power, control and degradation of the victim. Beyond personal implications sexual violence assumes a societal toll too, fostering gender inequality, perpetuating harmful gender stereotypes. Sexual abuse does not only inflict physical scars but also causes long-lasting psychological and emotional trauma for survivors, shaping their relationships, self-image, and sense of safety. The sad reality we face as the country is that, the perpetrators are in so much need for control that today we have many dockets in the hands of our SAPS stating rape for children under the age of 15 years. The stats show that many children in our country are being raped, molested, exploited and sexually harassed not by strangers but people that they feel safe around, people they trust in. In 88% of the sexual abuse claims that CPS substantiates or finds evidence of, the perpetrators are male. In 9% of cases they are females and 3% are unknown. The Child Protection Services has found strong evidence that also indicates that 57,329 children were/are victims of abuse. The effect of this action on these children when they grow up is brutal. They are most likely to turn to drugs, have mental issues and some are more likely to experience PTSD as adults. It is very important to remember that every individual may have a different experience and different ways to heal.

Here are some guide lines to follow if you ever find yourself in this unfortunate situation.
1. Safety: if you are in immediate danger, try to find a safe place as quickly as possible.

2. Seek Medical Care: it is crucial to seek medical help as soon as possible after rape. Physical check-up can address immediate health concerns.

3. Consider Reporting: speak with the law enforcement so they can gather more information to capture the perpetrator however please REMEMBER the reporting is a personal decision that one takes for himself/herself if not under age.

4. Reach Out For Support: do not bottle your feelings in. reach out to a family member you trust or friend, teacher. This could help with processing your emotions.

5. Therapy: seek help from professionals trained in the field to provide support.
please be kind to one another this month and the coming months. You never know what people go through in life. Be care and be attentive to children. LISTEN TO YOUR CHILDREN.
