South Africa’s President, Cyril Ramaphosa has commented on the South African National Flag that was burnt by the DA political party on their advert. A lot of questions are circulating around this issue. What kind of message is the DA trying to vocalize to the community? Does the National Flag belong to a specific political party?
The National Flag doesn’t belong to any political party the Flag of South Africa is a representative of every single person in South Africa but it doesn’t give anyone that right to demolish it.
The National Flag of South Africa holds a very deep message that resonates with every individual in our country. The flag consists of six powerful colours, Red; White; Blue; Green, Black and Gold.
Yes, it is true that the three colours out of the six are indeed the very same colours of ANC. It is not secret that the ANC is the oldest liberation movement in Africa but this doesn’t mean that the flag belongs to the ANC.
The national flag was designed by a former South African Herald, Mr Fred Brownell. In the interview Fred Brownell was asked what the flag symbolizes and he answered, “The idea behind that flag is simply of conversions and unification, the coming together of people, of culture and of languages”.
The flag’s true identify belongs to the whole of South Africa, everyone might have their own definition about the flag but the definition of it belonging to a specific party because of the party being in control is far from the truth.
burning our flag is burning our country down.